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How to understand fintech

Today's world is saturated with digital technology. If the claim that civilization is ruled by artificial intelligence is still an exaggeration, it is not too significant. Computer networks and digital gadgets of various levels of complexity have turned the economy into a global complex that pays little regard to state borders and considers only financial interests.

This state of affairs could not help but affect the financial sphere. Money, as we know, is the driving force of the economy. If funds do not keep up with real production and trade, development slows down, if not stop. And not all enterprises and companies manage to start a second time.

Why fintech is needed?

It's difficult to manage financial flows - bankers, economists and manufacturers of material goods know that. Manually, or with the old methods, it's no longer possible - slow, unreliable, and expensive. Fundamentally new technologies were needed, aimed at:

  • allocation of financial resources;
  • organization of personal and corporate payments;
  • organization of crediting;
  • optimization of remittances; creation of investment platforms; and
  • creation of investment platforms;
  • developing security systems for financial transactions and savings;
  • analysis of financial processes;
  • business adaptation in a changing environment (legal and market aspects);
  • insurance.

And these are not all the processes that fintech deals with. In the sphere of interest of the N1 Foundation, which was created by Nikita Izmailov, an investor in sportsbank, there are many other aspects of the real sector of the economy, based on optimizing financial and banking processes.

Fintech is a complex consisting of applications, software, business models and processes, designed for each client, taking into account all interconnections between partners, suppliers, dealers and final consumers of goods and services. Modern fintech is interested not only in the needs of industrial companies, groups and corporations, but also in the needs of ordinary people. The ability to use financial services, access credit and pay for goods with your own PC and smartphone is also fintech.

A striking representative of successful solutions in the world of online business is sportbank, created to serve the interests of active people. Using sportbank credit card it's easy to solve all monetary issues without spending time talking to clerks and waiting in queues. The speed of life in today's world requires quick and simple decisions. Although Internet banking systems can only be described as simple from a user's point of view. Behind the apparent simplicity the creators' hard work, enormous intellectual effort, ingenuity and knowledge of what is going on in the world.

One should not think that fintech is only aimed at users who are advanced in the world of computerization. The truly competent solutions offered by the N1 Foundation are available to anyone who has mastered even the simplest smartphone and uses the Dia app. The world is getting more complicated, the task of fintech is to make all the achievements of civilization available to every inhabitant of the country.

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